
Friday 25 October 2019

Digital tech

Hi in today's blog post I'm going to share what I did in digital tech. What I did is playing some gamefroot and app lab also scratch and sphero but my favourite game is gamefroot because it was fun to play with my friends. Gamefroot is helping to be creative.

How to play gamefroot 

gamefroot is the game that you can build something to jump and also you need to put some enemies and you need to fight them. So you can win but you need to build your own place. But in our digital tech we need to make like pollution and it was fun because we are making our own.

In gamefroot you need to make like pollution but it's fine if it's not look like pollution because it's hard to make pollution in gamefroot. But sometimes were allowed to make like were fighting the enemies but we still need to ask them so we can make the fighting enemies.

Thursday 24 October 2019

P.E Sport

Hi in today's blog post I'm going to share what we did in P.E we did is basketball and it was very fun because I'm playing with my team. When 1 round we vs blue bibs and we win but we 2 round we vs yellow bibs and we lose but we still having fun because sport is the best and we did the work each other because that's what the teacher told us so we did the work each other and our team name is Dragons but it not mean that we are good in sport just my team pick that name we just doing sport every Monday and Thursday.

Last week we did in sport is basketball again until today we just did the blogging in period 4 because period 3 we did the sport. Me and my team already finished the sport that we did our that we pick is dodge ball. But before we play sport we did first the exercise like running because that's helping us to be active in sport.    

Also my favourite part in P.E is football because that's my favourite sport so that's what my favourite sport. 

Thursday 17 October 2019

Fantastic Mr Fox

Hi in today's blog post I'm going to share what I did in my novel's study with Jrae because were group in Fantastic Mr Fox also we did some recording about Mr Fox and Badger and my character is Mr Fox and Jrae did the Badger.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Holiday break

Hi everyone I'm going to share what I did in the holiday break I went to Mt Hut with my family and friends. The Mt Hut too snowy and also cold but we still having fun because I'm with my family and friends also I go as'well in my brother work and it was cold but I still having fun. Also there's a place in the Mt Hut where you can eat we bought some food.

And after we went to my brother work we go back in Friday because we go there wen Monday but my parents told me that we going to go there again in Christmas Holiday and I know that we gonna have fun again but last week my brother went home and I was surprise because my brother went home but we he going back to his work I was sad. 
Image result for holiday