
Friday, 25 September 2020

Photo Montage

Hi readers for today's blog post I'm going to share what we did in arts which is Photo Montage. This is a combination of photos and you need to put them together and arrange on your own design. Here is my example of my work.

My subject is about the nature which includes flowers and different image of clouds the hidden plane I choose this because I would like to travel around the world.

The form that I used is different colours of the flowers the sky and even the hidden figures like the plane and lights.

I used composition and focal points in the image and leading lines I have a focal points which is the man at the centre of the design.

I'm happy in creating of this design because it shows the different image of the nature that we need to take care of. 


Hope you like my work.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Business and Enterprise

Hi readers for today's blog post I'm going to share what were doing in Business and Enterprise. So were doing the popping balloon and my group is Faye, Qyn, Kristille. This Chief Executive Officer is Qyn and the Marketing manager is Kristille and Production Manager is me and Sales/Finance manager is Faye. We already finished the slide for our Business and now were doing the poster and were just painting so the poster look nice. We already do the Business and Enterprise last year and we did the mini bonnet.